OG Hemp

Change your Sentiment towards Hemp Products…NOW!!!

Hemp is one of the most versatile crops, having multiple uses. Its uses range from medicines to creams, from herbal oils to paper. Although it has many advantages, it faces many impediments in the path to glory, mainly because people know the products in terms of the psychoactive substance present in all CBD plants. But the fact is that hemp, a type of cannabis, has negligible THC content (element causing psychoactive effects). So, awareness about cannabis and hemp paper packaging is crucial to manifest the magical properties that hemp provides.

What are the Key Factors That Affect Cannabis or Hemp Product Use?

  • Regulations across countries: We often associate cannabis with recreational aspects. Thus, it faces severe legal scrutiny across geographies. However, many advanced countries, including some states in North America, have recently started witnessing some flexibility.


  • Less popularity: In packaging aspects, paper and plastics are extensively used across the globe. The situation is evolving globally, yet the shift towards more sustainable paper packaging is yet to pick up. As per some statistics, there is an enormous opportunity in the hemp product market. The market size of such products was 4.2 billion USD in 2017. It is expanding at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 14% to reach the 11.2 billion USD market by 2025. Thus, the scope of growth for these products across various consumer and industrial areas is enormous, and the market is in a nascent stage now. When we look at explicitly packaging use of the hemp products, the global hemp packaging market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 26% by 2026.

Essential Components That Can Rekindle a Thought About Cannabis or Hemp Products –

Hemp products are absolutely natural. This sustainable crop requires minimum irrigation, and is produced without the use of pesticides and chemicals to improve the quality of the soil. Every part of the Hemp plant is valuable and can be used for various purposes, like –

  • The eco-friendly packaging made from hemp is one derivative of cannabis that can be a bliss for the environment because of its recyclable and biodegradable packaging This green packaging significantly reduces carbon footprint, and engages the sustainability environmental activist Cannabis Industry to build a better and greener tomorrow.


  • Regarding hemp-global warming, the hemp fuel, which we can also call eco-fuel, emits 80% of lesser carbon dioxide, which neither disrupts the ozone layer, nor causes any acid rain, reducing global warming.


  • The year 2021 will witness significant trends in the transformation of hemp products. Hemp paper can be used in craftwork, boxes, bags, digital printing, offset printing, food packaging, and much more.

How Does the Awareness of the Usage of Cannabis for Industrial Purposes Contribute to the Changing Mindsets?

People have very little information about the industrial use of cannabis, and how it is beneficial for society. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is found in cannabis, and is the component that decides whether the plant can be categorised as industrial hemp or not. One thing that remains the same in the diverse culture of India is the growth of cannabis plants. And 80 to 90% of these plants are cultivated for industrial or medicinal use. The State Government of Uttarakhand gave license to the Indian industrial hemp association to grow hemp fibre on thousands of hectares of land due to its useful properties. Although the association had to face hurdles in sanctioning the approval, the sanction was still successful, because the focus was more on larger markets, and industrial and medical uses.


 The popularity of cannabis paper is growing with the increase in demand for a sustainable environment. Save the environment by using OG HEMP products that bring smart, sustainable, and recyclable packaging. Learn more about hemp products and packaging and witness the change towards a more sustainable future.

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