OG Hemp

Sustainability: A Viable Option Yet an Unexplored One

A healthy environment is a prerequisite for a better quality of life for everyone, and for that, sustainability is a crucial aspect. Sustainability helps create and maintain favorable conditions in which nature and humans can co-exist in productive harmony, fulfilling the social, economic, and environmental obligations. An industry is said to be sustainable if it […]

What packaging should you choose for your organic brand?

Did you know that globally, around 2 billion tonnes of waste is generated every year? Imagine how much waste is being produced daily, the aftermath of this disastrous habit, and its effect on the environment we live in. Pro-environment movements have created a massive demographic of health-conscious consumer communities that connect better with brands that […]

How Hemp Farming Can Help a Farmer’s Income in 2021

Hemp is the non-psychoactive cousin of the cannabis plant. It became a highly sullied name in the 20th century as lawmakers highlighted the unpleasant side of the crop and sought to curb hemp cultivation. Now, hemp farming is making headlines again and is changing the face of agriculture across the world. It is creating new […]

5 sustainable alternatives to tree based papers

According to the Global Forest Resource Assessment, roughly 80,000 to 160,000 trees are cut down each day. This makes the need for sustainable alternatives to tree-based paper necessary to save our planet. Deforestation and climate change are two of the top reasons that are moving the world towards the usage of sustainable alternatives to tree-based […]

5 Tree-Free Paper Products You Can Use To Save Our Planet

Gradually, the world is moving towards more sustainable means of producing the goods we require every day. In 2020, the hemp industry was worth more than $5.33 billion which is forecasted to grow to $15.26 billion by 2027 and manufacture tree free paper products. When it comes to paper, fabrics, and other applications, there are […]

The Role Of the Hemp Industry In Dealing With Climate Change On A Global Scale

Did you know there is a clock showing the time left for us to save the Earth? “The Earth has a deadline.”, the message reads on the countdown clock in Manhattan, displaying the urgent window for action before global warming becomes irreparable.  Irreversible climate change is becoming a frightening reality. While the pandemic is contributing […]

Hemp for Circular Economy

Industrial hemp is an incredibly useful plant, with thousands of applications to choose from. Industrial hemp (cannabis Sativa), while closely related to cannabis Sativa Indica (medicinal cannabis), is a very different crop and grown in a very different way. Industrial hemp farmers tend to aim to grow the plants up, not out as is that […]

World needs Hemp Papers

The Hemp plant offers a fantastic opportunity for addressing current global issues. Not only does it grow in and around everywhere in just 90 days, but also has limited fertilizer or water…

History of Hemp

Hemp has over 25,000 uses. It has been grown and used for 10,000 years. It is more eco-friendly than cotton with superior strength; first fibre, first paper, first canvas. The word canvas itself…